Tutorial overview
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Tutorial overview

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Article summary



This tutorial takes the user through the process of creating an example Sales Dashboard, using the Demo Database.  It covers many key techniques, including:

  • Loading Data
  • Verifying Data load
  • Creating Reporting tables from source data
  • Linking Tables
  • Decoding source data
  • Creating reporting metrics, dimensions and filters
    • Dynamic time-series filters
    • RFM Segmentation
  • Creating individual visualisations
  • Creating a Dashboard
  • Adding Dashboard filters
  • Turning a dashboard into a standardized report
  • Distributing a report on the web


The following is an outline of the approach taken:

  1. Prepare and Upload Data
  2. Create Project and Load Data
  3. Create Reporting Tables
  4. Prepare Data for Reporting:
    1. Decode
    2. Reporting Dimensions and Measures
    3. Customer Segmentation
  5. Create Dashboard
  6. Create Reports
    1. Time-series using Multi Function Profiles
    2. Single Value Metrics using Panel Forms
    3. Simple Profiles
  7. Create and Publish Standardized Reports

Video Tutorial


Using the small sales demo database, create and distribute a basic sales dashboard showing the following key metrics:

  1. Segment activity for different time periods - This Month, All Data
  2. Monthly revenue split by metric - Sales, Profit
  3. Orders split by repeat and new customers
  4. Daily, Month to Date and Year To Date metrics for:
    • Revenue
    • Profit
    • Order
    • Average Order Amount

The dashboard contains the following individual reports that are generated using profiles, multi-function profiles and panel forms:

  • This Month’s Orders by Segment: pie chart showing orders for the month grouped by customer segment. Each number represents the number of orders this month for customers in a particular segment.
  • Reporting Date: the date of the last order in the sales data
  • All Orders By Segment: pie chart showing total orders grouped by customer segment. Each number represents the number of orders made by customers who are currently in each segment.
  • Daily Revenue ($):daily revenue for the current month broken out by sales metric 1 (revenue) and sales metric 2 (profit)
  • Various metrics broken out by
    • Current Day (with comparison to a week ago)
    • Month To Date (with comparison to same Month To Date for previous year)
    • Year To Date, (with comparison to same Year To Date for previous year
    • The following metrics are calculated:
      • Revenue ($): sum of sales
      • Orders: number of orders
      • Average Order: value of average order for specified time-period
      • Profit (%): sum of profit
  • New Customer Orders: Orders placed by new customers
  • Today’s Orders: pie chart showing today’s orders broken out by customer type (new/repeat)
  • Daily Orders This Month: daily order for the current month, broken out by new and repeat customers.
  • This Month’s Orders: pie chart showing this month’s orders broken out by customer type (new/repeat) 
  • Repeat Customer Orders: orders placed by repeat customers

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