DataSet Scratch
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DataSet Scratch

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Article summary

Main form for creating and displaying datasets


  • dataset query rules, 
  • dataview of the table 
  • a split window of both query and table

Accessed through the Analytics menu OR when a dataset is dropped onto the Main Tab Bar

Dataset Query Rule View

  • Shows the component parts of the dataset in hierarchical form
  • Displays the count of each query element, or subset, along with the running total
  • Drop a dataset from any source into grid to logically combine or replace existing query
  • Drop a field onto the grid to pop up a query Field Query Box
  • Dropped entries will added to the subset level of the drop target

Query Right-click

Right-click on the query grid to:

  • Undo the last operation
  • Copy and Paste entries
  • Change the applied logic
  • Change the operator
  • Add, delete, or edit an entry in a Field Query Box
  • Add an intrinsic function:
    • invert
    • random
    • random%
    • sample
    • top
    • bottom
    • First Discrete - selects the first occurrence of each unique value of selected field
    • Last Discrete - selects the last occurrence of each unique value of selected field 
  • Transform an entry into the first element of a subset
  • Collapse or rename subsets

Other operations

  • Use the drag icon to drag the dataset and drop onto any suitable target to apply as a filter
  • Ctrl-drag an entry (or subset) from the grid to use just that part of the query.
  • Drop the dataset onto the main tab bar to open a copy of the dataset

Dataset Query Bar.


  • Move entries up and down within their subset
  • Expand or contract all subset hierarchies
  • Turn on and off auto-calculate
  • Pick up a DataSet drag object



  • Table View - Display Dataset table only
  • Query Only - Display query rule view only
  • Query and Table - Display query and table in plit screen mode 
  • Refresh - Refresh the display (including recalculating)
  • Rotate Split - Cycle clockwise through Query/Table display combinations
  • Save Dataset - Save as a named dataset object or as a binary field
  • Export into Table - Export the records in the dataset to a new table, containing those fields in the view's template
  • Export into Workbook - Export records and fields to an excel table in a workbook
  • Export Data - Export to a file, containing those fields in the view's template, or in a named template


  • Export into Table - Export the records in the dataset to a new table, containing those fields in the view's template
  • Export into Workbook - Export records and fields to an excel table in a workbook
  • Export Data - Export to a file, containing those fields in the view's template, or in a named template


If the Audit option is selected, when the export job has completed, "Download Audit" will be available in the Jobs Window:

The Excel Audit file consists of 2 sections:

  • Fields
  • Penetration

The Fields tab contains summary data for the export:

The penetration tab contains a frequency table for each field included in the export:

Other Audit options
  • See Audit method for details on how to create a full table audit file from script
  • See Data Audit for whole table audits
  • See Export for details of how to create a delimited file

Upload File

Overwrite Existing

If true, existing files with the same name will be overwritten

Export Source Fields

(Note: A project must be specifically configured to support this using SetProjectProperties)

Dataset Table View

  • Displays up to the first 1000 records in the dataset, along with chosen fields
  • If there are less than 8000 records in the dataset it will show all records
  • When showing all records the fields can be sorted:
    • Click on the column header to sort by a field
    • Ctrl-click to sub-sort by subsequent fields
  • Add a new field to the view by dragging from the Explorer database tree or list and dropping on the Table grid
  • Append an entire template by dragging a template from the Explorer template list
  • Add all fields from a table by dragging the table object from the Database tree and dropping on the Table grid 

Table Right-click

Right-click on the table grid to:

  • Undo the last operation
  • Apply a dataset function
  • Clear Dataset and revert to full table dataset
  • Remove a selected field from the view
  • Edit the current view's field list
  • Clear all fields from the view
  • Set the current view as the default template for this table
  • Reset the view to the default template


A simple dataset drag source of the form field=value can be initiated by ctrl-click and drag a cell in the view.

A saved dataset dragged into the view will be treated as a dataset source, hold SHIFT while dropping to treat it as a field to add to the template

Once a default template is set, all new views will open with that template. This default is stored on the client machine - and for each user.

The right hand panel will show a textual representation of the current dataset

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