Data Audit
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Data Audit

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Article summary

The Data Audit Report gives an overview of the project data.   It is accessed from either:

  • Analytics | Data Audit .
  • Project Explorer | Table Object | Right-Click | Audit
Get Details
A Table specific brief summary of the information in the data audit report is also available from the Database Tree | Table Object | Right Click | Details menu option.


Data Grid


The All tab displays summary data for the current project schema.  The following summary information is provided for each field in the current project:


TableThe shortname of the table to which the field belongs
FieldThe shortname of the field
DiscreteThe number of different (or discrete) values stored in the field
Discrete%The percentage of records which contain unique values for the field
NullsThe number of records with null data stored for the field
Null%The percentage of records which contain null data for the field
TypeThe field (string, integer, double) and data type (continuous, discrete).  See Data Types
DataTypeThe field type, e.g., string, integer, double. See Data Types
SizeThe Data Size.   See Data Types
FieldTypeThe data type, e.g., Continuous, Discrete. See Data Types
WidthMaximum width of the field
MethodMethod used to create the field:
  • Imported - loaded directly from file
  • BuildBakedField - engineered or expression field
  • BuildAggregate - cross-table aggregation
  • CopyUp/CopyDown - copied from another table
MinMinimum value stored for field
MaxMaximum value stored for field


Each column header in the DataGrid has a filter icon.  Click this to bring up the filter dialog:


If a filter has been applied for that column, the filter icon will be highlighted in blue.

Drag and Drop Fields and Tables
Dragging a field or table from the Database Tree and dropping it on the grid will:
  • filter the grid by the table if a table is dropped
  • highlight the relevant field


Click on a column header to sort the column.   Click again to reverse sort direction.

Select Row

Clicking on a row in the DataGrid will select it.  This will cause the Context Panel and the Summary Panel to update for the selected field.


Right-clicking a row in the grid will bring up the Data Audit Context menu:


The items available on the menu will depend on what kind of field has been selected.

Navigate To...Navigates to the selected field in the Database Tree
ViewOpens a DataView for the selected field
ProfileOpens and calculates a profile for the selected field
InspectOpens and calculates an inspection report for the selected field


Inspecting fields opens a dashboard that provides some detailed analysis of the field.

Default dashboards are provided with DataJet, but custom inspection dashboards can be created either at the individual field level, or for each Data Type.   Custom dashboards over-ride standard dashboards.

See TODO:  QQ - How do I inspect fields in DataJet?


NameThe short tablename
FieldsNumber of fields in the table
RecordsNumber of records in the table
PackageIf the table is injected, the source package name will be displayed
HomeIf the table is injected, the name of the project that owns the data will be displayed
To see more information about object ownership when working with Injected Data, use GetDependencies



primary tableShortname of Primary Table (One side of One to Many Join)
primary fieldShortname of join field on the primary table
foreign tableShortname of Foreign Table (Many side of One to Many Join)
foreign fieldShortname of join field on the foreign table
primary recordsTotal records on the primary table
primary resolvedNumber of primary records that are in the join
presolve ratePrimary solve rate - percent of primary records that are joined
foreign recordsTotal records in the foreign table
foreign resolvedNumber of foreign records that are in the join
fresolve rateForeign solve rate - percent of foreign records that are joined
Added in Version 7.1.30
typeJoin type - can be direct or compound
layersnumber of layers applied to the join
accelwhether or not an accelerator file has been applied (see ExtendIndexing)
packageName of package from which join was injected (see Introduction to Data Injection)


TableShortname of owner table for the dataset - counts relate to this table
NameDataset name
CountCount of records IN the Dataset (i.e., where fieldvalue = 1)
PercentPercentage of table records that are in the Dataset

Context Panel


See Context Panel - Getting Started for more details on Context Panel functionality.

Summary Panel

Summary Panel

See Statistics - Quick Reference for details of summary statistics



RefreshRe-runs the data audit and updates display with any changes to the project schema and data
Clear FiltersClears all filters from all columns
SpreadsheetCopies grid data into a DataJet Spreadsheet - from here data can be copied using the clipboard
Toggle GroupingDrag a Table column header and drop on the groupby dropbox to group the data by Tables:
Export To TableClick to export Data Grid to a DataJet Table:
ExportExports Data to a local copy of Excel (Note - requires excel on the client machine)
Export ProfilesIf selected, when exporting data to Excel, creates a worksheet for a profile of each field.   Use the Indexworksheet to locate a field.
All fields in the schema will be profiled
Export With ProfilesExport With Profiles2
Export With Profiles3
HelpOpens the info panel and displays the context-sensitive help


Data Audit tables can be added to script by the following methods:

  1. Use the Script Editor | Methods | Audit command
  2. Create the Audit table from the Data Audit | Export option, and then drag the created table into the Script Editor window


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