Introduction to DataJet Desktop
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Introduction to DataJet Desktop

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Article summary

What is DataJet Desktop?
DataJet is a full-stack solution allowing the ingestion, engineering, analysis, modelling, reporting, distribution and automation of Big Data.
Very large datasets (billion+) are rapidly loaded, analysed and visualized via a single no-code windows desktop application – DataJet Desktop.

Use DataJet Desktop to:
  • Load and engineer data
  • Run profiles, queries and models
  • Produce and share reports and dashboards
  • Automate and refresh data and reports

{TODO: introduction video}

DataJet Desktop


DataJet workflows are specific to the task at hand, but generally involve some or all of the following stages:

Feature Overview

The DataJet User interface consists of the following elements:

The menu bar has the following options:

  1. Projects
  2. Analytics
  3. Modelling
  4. Reporting
  5. Engineering
  6. Tools
  7. Script
  8. Admin

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