Introduction to Projects
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Introduction to Projects

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Article summary

What is a Project?

All work that is done in DataJet is done within the container of the project. A project is a collection of database, datasets, reports, dashboards and scripts. Think of a project as a folder which contains all the common materials that a team of users will share when using DataJet. 

(Note that many users will only have access to one Project.)

How many projects can be open at once?
Many projects can be stored on a DataJet server, but only one project can be open at a time in the particular instance of the desktop app that is being worked in.  It is possible to have multiple instances of the desktop app open, and so to be connected to more than one project at a time, but data cannot be transferred between projects.

NOTE: the number of instances that can be open at once will depend on the specification of the machine that is running DataJet Desktop).

Project Structure

A project belongs to a realm, and a realm belongs to a server:

For further details of system architecture see Single Realm Architecture.

For further details of the types of objects contained within a project see Data Objects.

Connecting to a project

Logging in

When logging in to DataJet, it is necessary to specify both a realm and a project.  

The realm must be specified when starting the desktop application:

See Logging in to DataJet for more details on how to connect to a realm.

Current Realm

To see the realm the desktop is connected to see the Projects Toolbar.

Open Project

To choose a project to connect to, use Project | Open.  The Open project dialog will be displayed:

Select a project and either double-click or choose "Open".  It is possible to search for a project by name, and to search and filter by name, description, date created, or status.

Creating a new project

For details of how to create a project or begin loading data into a project, see Creating a Project and Uploading Data.

Project Status

A project can be:

  • Open/Closed- only one project can be open at a time.   
    • The open project name is displayed in the Project Explorer.  
    • The open project will be the target for run-time script action.
    • If the Script Editor Current Project does not match the Open Project, script editor will not allow step-through execution.
  • Loaded/Unloaded - determines whether the project has been loaded since the DataJet server was last started.
  • Protected/Unprotected - protected projects cannot be deleted, and cannot have injected data detached via the Project Explorer context menu
  • Locked/Unlocked - locked projects can only be modified by the user who set the lock.

Current Project and Open Project

There is an important difference between "The Current Project" and "The Open Project".

"The Current Project" is the project name displayed in the Script Editor Project Box and is the target of scripting methods:

This may be different to the Open Project, which is the project currently open in the Project Explorer:

TIP: If working in script editor, to set the Open Project as the Current Project, right-click in the Project Box and choose "Select Current"

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