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Article summary


Bulk decodes (i.e., changes field values) of multiple fields at the same time, reading all source and target values from an excel spreadsheet.

A decode creates a copy of an original field and maps values in the source field to a new set of values.   It is possible to do a Many to One mapping - ie,. values Men, M and Male all decode to MALE.


methodBulkDeCodeDecodes multiple fields, reading source and target values from an excel spreadsheet.

filename"%DATAPATH%FolderName/Filename.xlsxFile containing Decode details
renameSuffix"_source"suffix string to attach to existing field name
newSuffix"_decode"suffix string to be appended to name of new decode field
hideSourcetrue/falseOptional.  Default = false
startRow2Optional. Row number of first data row.   Default is 2.
keepUncodedtrue/falseOptional.   Default = false.  
If false, source values that don't have a specified decode value will be mapped to null.
If true, source values that don't have a specified decode value will be mapped to the source value.
onErrorIgnoretrue/falseif true, will process whole file, gathering list of all fields where there were decode issues
errorOnRenametrue/falsev 5.6.2 onwards
Default = false
If true, and BulkDecode encounters a field that has already had a source field created (e.g., [Gender] has been decoded already, and [Gender_source] already exists), Gender would be over-written to include the new decode, but Gender_source would not be affected.
skipIfExistingSourcetrue/falsev 5.6.2 onwards
Default = false
If the decode source field already exists, the decode will be skipped and the process will move onto the next item.
For example, if [Gender] has already been decoded for values M and F, and therefore [Gender_source] already exists, If BulkDecode encounters [Gender]=U -> Unknown,  and skipIfExistingSource = true, then no attempt would be made to decode the U value.

File Layout

Bulk Decodes will use the first sheet in the workbook.

A / 1Source Table Name - case sensitive
B / 2Source Field Name - case sensitive
C / 3Source Field Value
D / 4Target Field Value

NOTE: Bulk Decodes will fail with "Not enough rows or columns" if there are more than 4 columns in Sheet 0.

TODO: Do all values for a field need to be grouped together in the file?


  "method": "BulkDecode",
  "project": "",
  "filename": "",
  "renameSuffix": "",
  "newSuffix": "",
  "startRow": 0,
  "hideSource": false,
  "keepUncoded": false,
  "errorOnRename": false,
  "skipIfExistingSource": false,
  "reverseScriptPath": ""

  "method": "BulkDeCodeFields",
  "filename": "%DATAPATH%BulkDecode/BulkDecodeFile.xlsx",
  "renameSuffix": "_source",
  "hideSource": true,
  "project": "BulkDecode"

  "method": "BulkDeCodeFields",
  "filename": "%DATAPATH%BulkDecode/BulkDecodeFile.xlsx",
  "renameSuffix": "_source",
  "newSuffix": "_decoded",
  "project": "BulkDecode"

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