- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Decode Fields - Wild
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Unlike a regular decode, which will map a given categorical value in the source fields onto a new categorial value in the target field.
A Wild Decode will map the source categorical value on the Decode for the first bin that it matches.
The bins definitions, at their simplest, are a set of substrings that must be contained, case independent, in the source value.
In the above example, any values in the source that contain the string vodka will be categorized as a vodka
Here the Test results are filtered by the decode 'Vodka'
The same is true for the second bin, in this case Bourbon
Notice here, some of the categories of Bourbon contain the word Whiskies. the 4th bin in out definition.
But since Bourbon appears before Whisky in the definition these value will be decoded to Bourbon.
Regular Expressions
The bin definition can be made more precise by the use of regular expressions.
Right click on the grid and select Add Regular Expression
Select the required rule from the combo box, and enter values of A, B, C etc.
Check the Whole word check boxes for each word, as required
See Regex