Profile - Options Dialog
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Profile - Options Dialog

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Article summary

The profile options dialog allows a greater level of control over the results returned from the profiling engine.  To access the Options dialog use one of the following:

  • right-click in the result grid and choose options
  • select the "Settings" button in the mirco-toolbar:

The Profile Options dialog will be displayed:

Row Limit

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be displayed in the profile:

Zero (0) indicates all rows should be displayed. 

Note that sort options will affect which rows are included in the result set. 

Row limits can be useful if there are too many rows in the profile to display well in a chart.   Sorting the data and choosing a row limit allows a graphic to be created where it would not otherwise be comprehensible. 

Row limits are applied BEFORE Post functions but AFTER other options .

Row Limit Mode

Determines if the RowLimit is applied to the first (Top) or last (Bottom) 'n' rows of the profile. 

Note that sort options will also affect the rows which are selected.  See Sort On and Sort Mode.

Column Limit

The maximum number of columns that will be displayed in a profile that has a dimension configured as a pivot field. 

Zero (0) indicates all columns should be displayed

Column Limit Mode

Determines if the Column Limit is applied to the first (Top) or last (Bottom) 'n' columns of the profile 

Note that sort options will also affect the columns which are returned.  See Sort On and Sort Mode.

Sort On

Determines what is being sorted in the result set. Default is ALL. 

  • ALL: Both Rows and Columns will be sorted.      
  • Rows: Only Rows will be sorted. 
  • Columns: Only Columns will be sorted

Sort Mode

Label Ascending: 

  • Results will be sorted by the labels from low to high.    

Label Descending: 

  • Results will be sorted by the labels from high to low

Value Ascending: 

  • Results will be sorted by values, from low to high 
  • If Sort On = ALL, Rows will be sorted before columns. 
  • Column values will be sorted on the TOTAL column. 

Value Descending:

  • Results will be sorted by values, from high to low. 
  • If Sort On = ALL, Rows will be sorted before columns.
  •  Column values will be sorted on the TOTAL column


Sort settings are applied before row or column limits

Percent Type

Default option = None 

Note:   This option is another way of configuring “SHOW” 


If no percent type is selected, the values shown in each cell will be counts or the result of function calculations.  


If Total is selected, the value in each cell will be the value for the cell as a percentage of the GRID total: 

(Cell Total/Grid Total) * 100 

So if Grid Total is 5000, and the cell total is 500, the cell is 10.00 ((500/5000)*100).    

The sum of each cell in the grid will be 100.  


ROW can only be selected as percent type if the results of a crosstab are being displayed (i.e.,, if there is a pivot on one of the dimensions). 

If Row is selected, the sum of each row will be 100, and each cell in a row will be: 

(Cell Total/Row Total) * 100 


If Column is selected, the value in each cell will be: 

(Cell total/Column Total) * 100 

The sum of each column will be 100.


Default = OFF 


The value in each cell will be the Z-score for the cell’s record set (where z-score reflects the standard deviations from the mean) 

TODO:  How is z-score calculated in a crosstab? 


Always show null field value

If selected, the null value row (and column if calculating a crosstab) will be shown in the result grid. 

The value will be shown even if the null field value has a count of 0.

Show empty/null rows

If selected, rows which have no records in them will still be displayed in the result set.  

This can be useful if needing to keep a consistent axis across multiple reports as axis values which have no data will still be included.    The default is to omit these values from the result set, which results in axes that change as filters and data change. 

NULL field
If the NULL field has a count of 0, checking "Show empty/null rows" will add the null field to the result.   To hide the null field only, select the "Hide null category" option.

Show empty/null columns

If selected, columns that have no records in them will be displayed in the result set.    This is only applicable when displaying crosstab results (i.e., profiles that have one of the dimensions pivoted).

Count at

Another way of configuring “Resolve At”.    Determines which records will be counted.

Display Precision

The number of decimal places to display.

Favor Integer

If selected, decimal columns will display as integer if the decimal parts are all 0. 

e.g., 123,234.00 would be displayed as 123,234

However, 123,234.43 would still be displayed as 123,234.43

(NOTE: To force all decimals to display as integer, set "asint" in the Post-Functions)

Hide Totals

If selected, no totals will be displayed in the profile result set.

Hide Null Category

If selected, the NULL category will not be displayed in the result grid (i.e., the row "null" will be missing).  

This setting DOES NOT over-ride "Always show null field value", but DOES over-ride "show empty/null rows" and "show empty/null columns"

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