Step 6c - Create Reports - Profiles Continued
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Step 6c - Create Reports - Profiles Continued

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Article summary


This article is part of the "Tutorial - Basic Sales Dashboard" series. It assumes the following:


The remaining reports to add to the dashboard are simple profiles showing New vs Repeat customers for two time-frames - Today, and Month To Date. The time-frames that have been chosen are arbitrary, and other filters could be used in place of the ones used here.

At the end of this section, you will know how to:

  • Apply different filters to the same underlying profile in order to show different metrics

  • Add Reports to Dashboards

Key Techniques

The following functional areas are introduced by this step:

  • Profiles

Video Overview

…Create Reports - Profiles Continued

The final 2 reports are Today’s Orders and This Month’s Orders. These are built in the same way as other profiles on the dashboard and instructions are included here for completeness.

Today’s Orders

Video Tutorial

Creating a Profile

The first step is the to create a Profile. Do this by going to Analytics | Profile and then drag and drop sales.CustomerType into the Dimensions box.

Basic pie chart from CustomerType

To display the data as a pie chart:

  • Click on the Chart Type icon in the bottom right-hand corner,

  • Select Pie/Donut. (Note: change between a pie or donut chart by clicking the Pie/Donut button again)

A legend is not needed for this chart as the segments are already labelled. To turn off the legend click on the Configure Chart icon and deselect Legend On.

Filter by IsToday 1

The pie chart currently displays information on all customers. To view data only for customers who have bought something today:

  • Select [sales.IsToday]= 1.

  • Drag and drop onto the pie chart and select And.

Add to Dashboard

Drag and Drop the Profile into the slot next to New Customer Orders on DAILY DASHBOARD.

Rename the slot by double-clicking on the slot header and typing Today’s Orders.

This Month’s Orders

Video Tutorial

Creating a Profile

Go to Analytics | Profile and drag and drop sales.CustomerType into the Dimensions box.

Basic pie chart from CustomerType

To display the data as a pie chart:

  • Click on the Chart Type icon in the bottom right-hand corner,

  • Select Pie/Donut. (Note: change between a pie or donut chart by clicking the Pie/Donut button again)

A legend is not needed for this chart as the segments are already labelled. To turn off the legend click on the Configure Chart icon and deselect Legend On.

Filter by ship date MONTHORDINAL 1

The pie chart currently displays information on all customers. To view data only for customers who have bought something THIS MONTH:

  • Select [sales.ship date MONTHORDINAL]= 1.

  • Drag and drop onto the pie chart and select And.

Add to Dashboard

Drag and Drop the Profile into the slot next to Repeat Customers on DAILY DASHBOARD.

Rename the slot by double-clicking on the slot header and typing This Month’s Orders.

Save Dashboard

The dashboard now contains all necessary reports. Save the dashboard by:

  • Clicking the save icon on the toolbar. The Save Report dialog will appear.

  • Keep the name of the report as DAILY DASHBOARD and select OK.

  • Select Overwrite Report and the report will update.

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