Statistics - Quick Reference
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Statistics - Quick Reference

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Article summary


Used for:

  • Calculating basic statistics for numeric fields
  • View auto-banded frequency distribution for numeric fields
  • Create new Bandings for numeric fields

Quick Start:

  • Select a Numeric Field in the Database Tree and drop onto the Statistics report
  • Drag a Field value or a DataSet from the Database tree or DataSet HotBar and drop into the Filter Box 
  • Click Band to create a new field that puts records into groups of equally spaced values
  • Right-click a field in the Database Tree and choose Statistics

Functional Overview:

  • View basic statistics for a numeric field by dropping the field onto the report
  • Calculate statistics for a subset of records by dropping a dataset or field value into the Filter Box
  • Use Selection Range to create a DataSet from a manually specified minimum and maximum
  • Create a new banded field, by clicking Band and accessing the Banded Field Dialog
  • Export Statistics to excel by clicking Export To Excel

Quick reference:

StatisticExample ValueDescription
unique941The number of unique values in the field
count1,680,736The number of records in DataSet
nulls0The number of records in the DataSet with null data
min16,000.00The minimum value in the Dataset 
max110,000.00The maximum value in the Dataset
range94,000.00Max – Min
avg66,294.86Sum of Values / Count of Values
sum111,424,157,800.00Sum of values for all records in Dataset
median70,900.00Middle value of the Dataset
trimean68,325.00(Q1 + Q2 + Q3) / 3
midhinge65,750.00(Q1 + Q3) / 2
iqmean68,713.36(Sum of Values from Q1 to Q3) / (Count of Values from Q1 to Q3)
q144,200.00Middle value of first half of Dataset
q387,300.00Middle value of second half of Dataset
iqrange43,100.00IQR = Q3 – Q1
stdev25,762.33Square root of variance

Square Root of  
[(Sum of square of differences from mean) / (number of data points -1) ]



  • Q1 = First Quartile
  • Q2 = Second Quartile
  • Q3 = Third Quartile

The exclusive method is used to calculate the Interquartile range

Standard Deviation


  • σ = population standard deviation
  • X = data point
  • µ = population mean
  • n = population count

Selecting a field

The following Statistics are available for different data types: 

StatisticDouble, IntegerDateDateTimeString


Dropping a dataset into the Filter Box will recalculate the report using the records in the dataset as the new population.

The Dataset filter must come from a table that has a relationship to the Active field, or the message “Cannot make universe or resolve query” will be displayed along with a blank statistics report.

Selection Range

The Box-Whisker plot – if available for the selected field type – is interactive.   Hovering over the chart will put min and max values into the Selection Range Box.

Mouse down sets the Min value.    Mouse Up sets the Max value.    Once Min and Max have been set, the DataSet Drag Icon can be used to obtain a copy of the records within the specified range.

Apply this DataSet as a filter to effectively “zoom in” on a range of values. 


Clicking the Band Button will display a dialog asking how many bands are required for the new field.    Choose a value between 4 and 128.   The Banded Field dialog will be displayed.

For Banded Fields for details on how to set up a new banding.

Exporting Data

Data can be exported from the Statistics report in the following ways:

    Use Export To Excel function

    Use CTRL + A  and CTRL + C to select the contents of the grid and copy to the clipboard

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