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Article summary

Configures metadata for a project.    To attach metadata to a project see SetPropertiesFromWorkbook.


methodSetProjectPropertiesConfigures metadata (i.e., field properties) for a project
projectProjectNameThe project to be configured
categoryPropertypropertynameThe name of the property in the attached metadata that contains the category data.   This is the data that determines in which categories in the Database Category that the field will be placed.
If the category property doesn't exist in the attached metadata, or is not specified, then the Database Category view will be unavailable.
secondDegreeSearchPropertypropertynameThe name of the property in the attached metadata that contains the second degree search data.   This is the data used to populate the Code column of the Database Category view.  If the secondDegreeSearchProperty doesn't exist, the Code column will be empty
fieldPropertyNames[comma separated list of property names]List of all attached properties that are to be displayed in the Context Panel properties tab
description"Project Description"From v5.9.22
The project description, as displayed in Manage Projects and Open Projects

TODO: How is this set up?
owner"username"The username of the project owner


  "method": "SetProjectProperties",
  "description": "Version 5.9 demo database",
  "categoryProperty": "Categories",
  "secondDegreeSearchProperty": "Code",
  "fieldPropertyNames": [
  "project": "Demonstration"

  "method": "SetProjectProperties",
  "owner": "user1",
  "project": "Demonstration"

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