Remote File Manager
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Remote File Manager

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Article summary

Use Remote File Manager to manage files on the DataJet Server.

File Explorer

My Export Folder

User's export folder.   This is a sub-folder of the Team Export Folder that only the User and Administrators can see.   To access data in this folder from script, use the system variable %MYEXPORT%.

This is the default location for user exports.

Team Export Folder

Export Folder, accessed by all realm users.   This is usually a sub folder of the realm, and can be accessed via script using the system variable %OUTPUT%.

A sub-folder of the Team Export Folder is the djscriptlogs folder.   This contains any log files that are generated by Logging commands in Script Editor.    See StartErrorLog for more information.

My List Folder

User's list folder.   This is a sub-folder of the Team List Folder that only the User and Administrators can see.   To access data in this folder from script, us the system variable %MYLISTS%.

Team List Folder

List Folder, accessed by all realm users.   This is usually a sub folder of the realm, and can be accessed via script using the system variable %LISTS%.

Data Source


Template folder, accessed by all realm users.   This is usually a sub folder of the realm, and can be accessed via script using the system variable %TEMPLATES%.

These templates are not DataView templates - they are templates used when exporting data.

File Viewer


The shortname of the file.   Data can be sorted and filtered by filename.


The date the file was added to the server. Data can be sorted and filtered by Date.


The size of the file.  Data can be sorted and filtered by Size.


Depending on the file type, the following options will be available:

  • View - View the selected file in notepad
  • Decompress - unzip the selected file



Refreshes the display

Select All Displayed

Selects everything in the currently selected folder

Clear All Selected

Clears selection on everything that is currently selected

Clear All Filters

Clears any active filters.


Unzips the selected filed

New Folder

Creates a new folder on the DataJet Server. 


Deletes selected files or folders.

Create Archive

Adds the selected files to a single compressed file.   Use this to reduce the size of data before downloading.


Uploads a file from Desktop to Server. An UPLOAD job will be created.

Depending on the size of the file, uploading may take a long time to complete.  Large files should be uploaded as part of a Data Management Process.    Remote File upload is designed for small files that the user needs to load


Downloads the selected file(s) to the specified location.   A DOWNLOAD job will be created.

Cancelling a download
Downloads of files that are initiated via Remote File Manager will be aborted if the desktop client is closed while the download is in progress.

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