Data Source Management
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Data Source Management

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Article summary

The Data Source Management Console is access from Admin | Data Source Management

The following are some of the DataSources supported by the DataJet Loading Engine:

  • SQL Server (MSSQL)
  • MySQL
  • Amazon RedShift
  • Excel
  • PostGres

PostgreSQL Data Source

NB - Ensure server for POSTRESQL data source is running

Click 'Add Source' and select 'POSTRESQL' as engine type. 

Specify a connection/data source  name.

Provide a valid connection string e.g. UserID=postgres;Password=postgres;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=DVDRental; and click 'Test Connection'.

To import the data:

In Script Editor, select 'Datasource' from the Import Data menu.

The new connection should now be available in the datasource list

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