Release Note: DataJet v5.7.18.1 20/07/2023
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Release Note: DataJet v5.7.18.1 20/07/2023

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Article summary


This release focuses on extending support for variable match levels in queries and consolidating flexibility and features for shared data.

Key Features

The key features of this release are: 



Engineering and Analytics


Database Build, Export  and Management

General Desktop UI

Breaking Changes


BUG Fixes

FIX: Exporting from table with single continuous fieldExporting from a table with only a single continuous field in it caused errors.   This is resolved.
FIX: Sorting by processed columns in profile reportsSorting issues when including totals and processed columns in a profile report have been resolved.
FIX: QueryMatrix allows post-processing to toggle/on offPost-Process on/off in the Query Matrix was disabled - this feature is now enabled.
FIX: Shared script push not updating “last pulled” value that leads to confusing, false warnings.

Known Issues/Constraints

  • Query Matrix does not retain base dataset when added to a dashboard

Changes to API Methods

AdministrationBackupNew Property:
  • includeProjectMetaData
Data ModelInjectTablesNow supports [“*”] for all
ToolsCreatePackageNew Method - alternative to Backup
Data ModelAddJoinLayerNew Method - adds multiple layers to table joins
AuditAuditNew Property:
  • targetProject
Data ModelInjectPackageNew Properties:
  • sourceName
  • errorOnMissingDataFiles
Additional Error Handling:
  • "Project Not Found" if target project is not found
  • includeProjectMetaData no longer requires a project close and open
GeneralExecuteStoredScriptNew Property:
  • aSynchRequest
ToolsCreatePackageNew Method - Creates a zip package that can be used to inject shared data definitions into target projects.
Data ModelAddJoinLayerAdds a join layer on top of an existing join between 2 tables.
Data ModelInjectReportsInjects reports from one project into another.

Feature Details

PROTOTYPE: Support for multiple heirarchical join conditions when linking tables

Joins now support ‘Layers’

  • Joins can be extended by compounding up to 7 key pairs.
  • Accessed through the AddJoinLayer API
  • “Add Layer” button and Layers column added to join window.
  • New Join analysis Functions.
    1. Count: The number of layers that match for each record.
    2. First: The first layer number (1 based) that matches for each record.
    3. Raw: Binary value of matching layers (1st layer = bit 0) 
    4. Score: higher values for best matches.

QueryMatrix productivity features

The Query Matrix has had various productivity features added:

  • Row up, Row Down
  • Column Left, Column Right
  • Duplicate Column
  • Auto Row Label Complete
  • Auto Column Label Complete
  • Copy & Paste Cell
  • Clear Cell
  • Graph and Grid Display Options
  • Count At Table (right-click column setting applied when column setup is complete)

QueryMatrix allows post-processing to toggle/on off

The Query Matrix report now supports the ability to toggle on and off post-processing

Increased layout options for mixed-view reports

Mixed View report now have a relative width option.   This gives the following layout options:

  • 1:1 (available in previous versions)
  • 2:1 (new in this release)
  • 1:2 (new in this release)

Use the relative Width buttons to control the display:

Allow fields to be masked in user interface

See SetPII for details.

Global Templates

Templates can now be globally shared by using templatepath=.  (See Command Line Options for more information)

New Function: RPAD

RPAD(A,B,C) : Convert any field into a STRING of a defined length, padding with defined characters from the RIGHT. 

Modified Function: DateFromString format can start with # or not

Previously DateFromString(A,B) required a # to be present for parameter B

Project text box added to Script PUSH

Editable Project text box added to script push

Host name and username added to Script COMMIT

User and Hostname are now recorded when a script is committed, and details are visible on Script history tab.

Export with data audit

Export with optional audit/penetration generated

Download and auto-open export audits

Summary Audit:

Penetration Audit:

Show/Hide table and field settings cascade to all desktop data displays and dialogs 

Show/Hide fields has been extended so that visibility settings apply everywhere across the project (apart from Data Audit, which retains visibility of all data, whether it is hidden or not).

The Show/Hide fields dialog has been extended to support:

  • Filtering
  • Searching,
  • Multi-field select and deselect.

Extension to DataView Template Dialog

The DataView templates dialog now supports:

  • Search
  • Filter
  • Multi field select and deselect 

Ability to download a dashboard template

The template assigned to a dashboard can now be viewed by using right-click | Template | Download:

Login screen contains previous realm popup

Toggle Date/Size in Remote File Manager display

Turn on and off File Date and Size in the Remote File Manager

Extensions to Scheme Settings

Added Scheme settings

  • Alternation Off: turns off alternate row colours on grid.
  • Hide Headers: hides grid headers
  • No Row Marker: turn off grid row markers
  • Grid Lines: None, Both, Horizontal or Vertical
  • Grid Style: Choose style of grid from predefined list. 

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