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Article summary

Returns the difference between the natural logarithm for the current row and the natural logarithm for the previous row


Use this function to: 

  • Calculate the change in logarithm


  1. Calculates the natural log for each row (log)
  2. Calculates the difference between the logs (lgdelta)

lgdelta= log(RowX) - log(Row(X-1))

RowX = value for current row
Row(X+1) = value for next row 
log(RowX) = natural log for current row
log(Row(X-1)= natural log for previous row

Sample Result



DimensionsDiscrete field(s).    All fields must come from the same table.
NameName to be displayed as Column Header in result grid
MeasureThe field to be used in the post-function calculation.
  • Must be numeric if Function is anything other than COUNT.
  • Must come from same table as DIMENSIONS.
  • Supports Discrete or Continuous DataTypes.
ValueOptional.   Filter to apply when evaluating FUNCTION.   Only records in the Filter Recordset will be included in the Function and Post-Function calculations.
Must come from same table as DIMENSION/MEASURE or be linked to the Dimension table.
Axis0 / 1.    Y-Axis to use when plotting graph.     Default = 0
PlotY / N.   Specifies whether measure’s output column should be plotted on graph.  Default = Y
ResolveOptional.   Resolve level for the measure.   If blank, Resolve = Dimension Table
Series TypeDefault / Bar / Stacked Bar / Line / Spline / RangeLow / RangeHigh / CSLow / CSHigh / CSOpen / CSClose
Determines the graph style for the measure.
PopupDefault / None / Extended
Prefix$ / £ / E / %

Usage Notes

See log  for details on calculating natural logarithms.


NOTE: Measures 1 and 2 are included purely for illustration. It is not necessary to include these measures for the calculation to work.

Dimension (s):  [transactions].[product_group], [transactions].[yearmonth]

Measure 1

  • Name: = Count
  • Measure:  = transactions.cid
  • Function: = count
  • Post: =
  • Value: =
  • Axis: =0
  • Plot:= N
  • Resolve:=
  • Series Type:=Default
  • Popup:=Default
  • Prefix:=

Measure 2

  • Name: = Log
  • Measure:  = transactions.cid
  • Function: = count
  • Post: =log
  • Value: =
  • Axis: =0
  • Plot:=Y
  • Resolve:=
  • Series Type:=Default
  • Popup:=Default
  • Prefix:=

Measure 3

  • Name: = lgdelta
  • Measure:  = transactions.cid
  • Function: = count
  • Post: =lgdelta
  • Value: =
  • Axis: =0
  • Plot:=Y
  • Resolve:=
  • Series Type:=Default
  • Popup:=Default
  • Prefix:=

Example use: Using lgdelta to calculate the difference in log values

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