Profile - Introduction
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Profile - Introduction

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Article summary


This section contains a functional reference of all Profile Report Functionality.  For details on how to get started with profiles, view Profile – Getting Started and Profile - Quick Reference.



Profiles allow for the creation of interactive charts and data-tables that provide instant information about data, and are a key tool when engaging in data-discovery or exploration.  A profile is a tabular or visual representation of grouped data:


Profiles are concerned with the FREQUENCY of data – i.e., how often a particular value or result is found in the database, and are used to understand:

  • The shape of the data – how are the data distributed? 
  • Identifying outliers and unusual patterns
  • Exploring patterns over time

Report Layout And Structure

Report Type:  Profile

Description: A tabular or graphical representation of the frequency of data.

Setup Panel

This section contains the various setup options for the  calculation.  Drag items from the Database Explorer onto the Setup Panel.   The report will recalculate each time a change is made to the report setup - control this using the auto-calculate checkbox.

Result Panel

The result panel consists of a result grid and a chart display.   Control the display and layout of these by using the various options in the micro-toolbar.

Micro Toolbar

The micro-toolbar allows for detailed configuration of the calculation and display, as well as allowing the report to be persisted, exported or viewed in a browser. 

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