Database Tree
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Database Tree

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Article summary

Data Catalog

The Data Catalog shows all the tables and fields in the current project schema.  

The number of records in the table is displayed next to the table name:

Low cardinality Fields (less than 256 discrete values) will include a list of unique values:

Wide Tables

Tables with a large number of fields (many hundreds) will not display their field list in the Database Tree.   To work with tables that have a high number of fields, use the Database List.

Context Panel

Selecting a Field will show a profile in the Context Panel. If there are less than 256 discrete values, a bar chart will be available.   If there are less than 24 discrete values, a pie-chart will also be available.   The counts for each field value are displayed in a searchable, sortable, selectable grid.

Drag To Hotbar

  • Tables are a dataset source for the whole table - drag a table into the HotBar to select all records in the table 
  • Fields are a dataset source - drag a field into the HotBar to bring up a Field Query Box
  • Dataset fields can be dragged directly into the HotBar - drag a Dataset field and drop into the HotBar to select all records where Dataset Field = 1


Drag To Workspace

  • Drag a table into the Workspace window and choose DataView to open a DataSet ScratchTab for the table - this will display the underlying records.    
    • Drag Fields onto the grid to add columns to the view

Drag Table2

  • Drag a field into the Workspace window and choose which action to take.  The available actions will depend on the type of field:

Drag Field

Drag table onto the Main Tab Bar 

  • display as a dataset
  • display as a dataview
  • get the quick audit details of field in the table

Drag field onto the Main Tab Bar 

  • profile
    • index profile
    • open a dataset with Field Query Box opened
    • open a dataview of the whole table with selected field in it's template
    • open a Statistics Report for that field (if applicable)

Dragging a field between two joined tables will popup an option to copy up/down than field.

Drag To Another Database Object

It is possible to drag and drop fields and tables on top of each other.   

Right-Click Menus

Right-clicking an item brings up the Context Menu for that item:

See Database Right-Click for more information.


The tree view's micro-toolbar  allows switching between tree or list view and filterer and sorting the contents of either

Dragging Within The Tree

Tip: When dragging from a field to a table in a large database, it may be easier to open a new Entity Selector from the tools menu and use that as a drag target.

Filtering The View

Open and close the filter box by clicking on the filter icon in the micro-toolbar.

The combo box allows filtering by field data type, the textbox by wildcard non case-sensitive text.

The filtered tree will display the identified fields, and all tables.

See Also

  • Default Table Order

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