Database Right-Click Menu
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Database Right-Click Menu

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Article summary

Right-Click menus are context sensitive, so not all items will be available in all circumstances.

Table Menu

  • Open in List - opens the selected table in the List Tab
  • DataView - Opens a blank dataview tab for the selected table
  • Details - Opens a details tab with summary field information for the table
  • Show/Hide Fields - Toggles showing/hiding hidden fields
  • Engineering - Table level field engineering:
    • IntegerSequenceKey - Creates a continuous unique integer key on the table
    • LongSequenceKey - Creates a continuous unique long key on the table
    • DiscreteIntegerSequence - Creates a discrete integer sequence key on the table
  • Auto Dashboard - Creates a (series of) dashboards containing basic profiles and analysis on the table's fields.
  • --------------
  • Protect - Locks a table so that it cannot be deleted
  • Delete - Deletes the table
  • Detach - Removes an injected table from the current project

Field Menu

Field context menu [right-click]

  • Profile - Creates a basic field profile report
  • Index Profile - Creates an index profile report
  • Statistics - Creates a statistics report
  • DataView - Creates a DataView of selected field
  • Query - Adds a query element to a dataset
  • Rename - renames any non-protected, or non-injected field.
  • Properties - Opens the Entity Property Window for that field. Displays summary data for the field, as well as the JSON used to create it
  • Edit - Edits a derived field's definition.
  • Delete - Permanently deletes any non-protected or non-injected field.
  • Protect - Locks a field so that it cannot be edited or deleted.

Extended context menu 

These menu items depend on the field type and database structure

  • Engineering - Derived: a short cut into the engineering capabilities
    • Decode - Maps one set of values to another
    • Banding - Puts numerical data into groups based on custom thresholds
    • Function- Various data transformations
  • Advanced:
    • MakeContinuousKey - Make a continuous key field from the selected field
    • Make Key Table - Make a key table from the selected key
    • Aggregate - Create aggregates if there is an un-ambiguously related table
    • Copy Up - Copy a field from the foreign to primary table if there is an un-ambiguously related table
    • Copy Down - Copy a field from primary to foreign table if there is an un-ambiguously related table 

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