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Article summary

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IssueSteps to Take
Counts are all 0 in Campaign/Audience report
  • Check there is data in the segs folder
  • make sure source data is unzipped
  • Use listener to see method return details

Individual and records = -1 when calculating
  • Check campaign definition file for key and hash field names
  • Make sure they match definitions in CreateTableFromFile settings used when loading Primary Contact Table
  • Use listener to see method return details
  • Try reprocessing
  • Try restarting the server

0 records exported for ExportAudienceDefinitions

No segment files in project's segmentation folder

Cannot resolve dataset

Audiences not being saved - "cannot create audienceId" 
  • Use listener to see method return details
  • Check SequenceEndpoint in djclient.cnfg

Project is not campaign enabled
  • check campaignRootPath in djclient.cnfg
  • Make sure the project's campaign definition file is correctly configured

Individuals = -1, Records = N when calculating
  • listener returns "Cannot resolve Dataset"
  • Check campaignRootPath in djclient.cnfg
  • Check project campaign definition file

No segments displayed when creating an audience
  • Make sure the correct project.metadata.json file has been added to the campaignRootPath/ActiveRealm folder (same place as campaign definition file)

campaignRoot folder being created after deleting
  • Check djclient.cnfg
  • Note which realm subfolders are being created - restart those servers once djclient.cnfg has been correctly updated.

Element "entries" not found when using campaign/audience
  • Check that djclient.cnfg has not been edited since the report was opened
  • Close and re-open the report

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