Contents x
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Training Series
- Quick Snippets
- Quick Questions
- Quick Questions
- QQ - Data Ingestion
- QQ - Engineering
- QQ - How do I change a discrete string to continuous?
- QQ - How do I sort a table?
- QQ - What is the difference between ICAST and WILDICAST?
- QQ - How do I flag records that contain numeric data for a specific field?
- QQ - How do I transform data loaded as string into a double?
- QQ - How do I create a join between a field that is continuous on one table and discrete on the other?
- QQ - How do I use the current date or time in expressions and calculations?
- QQ - How do I get the name of the nearest city from a table of Geo Data?
- QQ - How do I use Conditional and IF statements in DataJet?
- QQ - How do I get detailed statistics for continuous data fields?
- QQ - How do I dynamically create a banded field in script?
- QQ - How do I round up a decimal number to 1 decimal place?
- QQ - How do I rename a table?
- QQ - How do I cast between different data types?
- QQ - General
- QQ - How do I find a package file to download?
- QQ - Why is the record count in the tree one less than the count in the hotbar?
- QQ - Why is the last record missing from my table?
- QQ - What is the difference between a DataSet and a DataView?
- QQ - How do I view NULL counts for continuous fields?
- QQ - How do I select the "best" record according to some numeric score?
- QQ - How do I download large source files from the DataJet Server?
- QQ - How do I find out the cardinality of a continuous field?
- QQ - Modelling
- QQ - Reporting
- QQ - Why isn't my Standardized Report applying all filters to configured slots?
- QQ - Why are my crosstab columns in the wrong order?
- QQ - How do I add a Standardized Report to my script?
- QQ - Can I automatically display a specified report when a project loads?
- QQ - How do I add a report created using Discrete Statistics to script?
- QQ - How do I edit a Standardized Report?
- QQ - How do I create a scatter plot?
- QQ - Scripting
- Rapid Training Series
- Introduction To DataJet User Interface
- Creating a new project from a text file
- Introduction to DataSets and DataViews
- Combining single Profile reports into a Multi-Function Profile
- Creating a Simple Multi-Function Profile
- Basic Engineering Functions
- Creating connected reports from simple index profiles
- Database Updating
- DataSet Resolution Methods
- DataView and Templates
- Engineered Fields and First Discrete
- Loading multiple tables and data audit
- Multi-Function Profiles
- Creating Resolving Tables
- Using a MySQL data source
- Introduction to the DataSet HotBar
- Creating simple profiles and Tab navigation
- Using the DataJet Administrator
- Tutorials
- DJDemo2023 Demo Database Schema
- Create DJDemo2023 Project
- Basic Sales Dashboard
- Tutorial overview
- Step 1 - Prepare and Upload Data
- Step 2 - Create Project and Load Data
- Step 3 - Create Reporting Tables
- Step 4a - Prepare Data for Reporting - Decodes
- Step 4b - Prepare Data for Reporting - Create Reporting Dimensions & Metrics
- Step 4c - Create Customer Segmentation
- Step 5 - Create Dashboard
- Step 6a - Create Reports - Profiles & Multi-Function Profiles
- Step 6b - Create Reports - Panel Forms
- Step 6c - Create Reports - Profiles Continued
- Step 7 - Create and Publish Standardized Report
- Deep Dive
- How To
- DataJet Desktop
- Desktop Overview
- Project
- Analytics
- Introduction to Analytics
- Analytics - Functional Overview
- Combined Profile
- Analyze Field
- Connected Report
- Dashboards
- Data Audit
- DataSet Scratch
- Index Profile
- Multi-Field Profile
- Multi Function Profile
- Multi-Field Statistics
- Query Matrix
- Profile
- Statistics
- Venn
- Reporting
- Engineering
- Introduction to Engineering Data
- Aggregate
- Banded Fields - Custom
- Copy Down (P-F)
- Copy Up (F->P)
- Fields from Values
- Decode Field - Custom
- Decode Fields - Wild
- Expression Builder
- Functions
- Function Overview
- General
- CombinedDimension
- CombinedDimensionNS
- CombinedIndex
- CompositeLongKey
- CopyDiscrete
- CopyDiscreteIndex
- DescendingIndex
- DiscreteIntegerSequence
- DistinctByKey
- FirstDiscrete
- FirstDiscreteByIndex
- FirstDiscreteByInvertedIndex
- IntegerSequenceKey
- JoinLayers
- LongSequenceKey
- MakeContinuousKey
- Quantile
- SessionIdentifier
- DateTime Transforms
- Date Transforms
- Date Transform Overview
- AGE(A)
- AGE(A,B)
- DAY(A)
- DOY(A)
- MAX(A,B)
- MIN(A,B)
- WOY(A)
- DMath
- FLogic
- Geo
- LMath
- Statistics
- String
- Import List
- Joins
- Make Key Table
- Model Processor
- Extensions
- Function Field
- Waterfall
- User Defined Fields
- Tools
- Script
- Introduction to Scripting
- Script Editor
- Script Editor - Overview
- Script Hub - Overview
- File
- Methods
- Administration
- Audit
- Config
- Control
- Connections
- Data Model
- AddJoin
- AddJoinLayer
- CopySourceTable
- CreateKeyTable
- CreateTableFromFile
- CreateTableFromWorkbook
- CreateTableFromWorkbooks
- DeleteField
- DeleteTable
- DeleteTemplate
- DetachAllTables
- DetachTable
- InjectTable
- InjectTables
- LoadTableFromFile
- MapFieldNames
- MapFieldNamesFromTable
- MapMissingFields
- MapMissingFieldsFromTable
- MoveFields
- RenameTable
- RequiredFields
- RequiredFieldsFromTable
- SetHiddenTables
- Engineering
- Export
- General
- Logging
- Tools
- Internal Only
- Project
- Tools
- Importing
- Examples
- Misc
- Admin
- Misc
- Intrinsic Functions
- Settings
- Trouble-shooting
- Indications of Disk Space issues
- Error [Join does not verify] when joining injected tables
- DataJet Explorer stuck on "opening project" message
- Performance and shutdown issues on Windows 11 22H2
- Error [load: not allowed] when loading data from file
- Modelling menu does not contain Helper menu and sub-menu
- Template Resolution Failed
- Plugins
- Engineering Functions
- Field and Table Names
- Post Functions
- Regex
- System Variables
- in Development
- Inline Help
- Download
- DataJet Server
- Campaign Selection System
- Audience Solution and DataHub
- AnalyseSegments Updated
- AudienceDelete
- AudienceLS
- AudiencePush
- AudienceRename
- BulkExportAudiences
- CreateAudiencesFromWorkbook
- CreateSegmentModel New
- CountCampaignDataset
- CreateCampaignDataSet
- ExportAudience
- ExportAudienceDefinitions
- ExportAudienceRules
- GetCampaignHistory
- ImportAudienceDefinitions
- NotificationsLS
- ProcessSegments
- SetAudienceState
- Release Notes
- Release Note: DataJet v7.2.17.1 Updated
- Release Note: PATCH
- Release Note: PATCH
- Release Note: DataJet v6.7.26 - 29/07/2024
- Release Note: DataJet v6.7.1 (1/July/2024)
- Release Note: DataJet v6.5.23 - 23/05/2024
- Release Note: Q1 Patch 1: v6.03.28
- Release Note: v6.02.20
- Breaking Changes
- Release Note: DataJet v5.11.27 - 27/11/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.10.19 20/10/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.9.22
- Release Note: DataJet v5.8.16
- Release Note: DataJet v5.7.18.1 20/07/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.6.30
- Release Note: DataJet v5.5.13.1 - 13/05/2023
- Quick Vids
- Coming Soon
QQ - Can I automatically display a specified report when a project loads?
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
QQ - Can I automatically display a specified report when a project loads?
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Article summary
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Yes. When a project loads, it will automatically open a report called "Home Report" if it exists.
To configure a specific report to open when the project loads:
- Go to Reports Tab
- Select the report, right-click and choose Edit Details
- Call the report "Home Report" and choose OK.
- A copy of the report will be stored as Home Report, and will be automatically opened when the project loads or the user logs in.
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