MFProfile - Options
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MFProfile - Options

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Article summary

The multi-function profile options dialog allows a greater level of control over the results returned from the profiling engine.  To access the Options dialog use one of the following:

  • right-click in the result grid and choose options
  • select the "Settings" button in the micro-toolbar:

The Multi-Function Profile Options dialog will be displayed:

See Profile - Options Dialog for details of settings that are shared with the Profile report.

Process Order

Determines which comes first, model-processing or post-processing

Processing Then Model 

The sequence of processing is:

  1. Profile Engine
  2. Post Processing
  3. Model Processing

Model Then Processing

The sequence of processing is:

  1. Profile Engine
  2. Model Processing
  3. Post Processing

Model Timeout (ms)

Determines the number of milli-seconds to wait for a model to return before activating timeout.    Default = 180000 (3 mins)

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