Connected Report
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Connected Report

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Article summary

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Connected reports allow a simple profile report to be linked to another analytic report in an interactive manner. Selected data in the primary profile report (left hand report) is applied as a filter to the secondary report (left hand report):

Valid report types that can be added to connected reports are shown below:

PrimaryAllowed SecondaryNot Allowed
  • Profile
  • Profile
  • Index Profile
  • Multi-Function Profile
  • Multi-Field Profile
  • Multi-Field Statistics
  • Query Matrix
  • Combined Profile
  • Statistics
  • Correlation


uncheck auto-calculate to allow multiple rows to be selected in the primary pane

Compound Result Sets

Right-click in the primary report pane and select one of the following:

  • Run Selected
  • Run All

This will create a compound result set.   The result set can be:

  • Saved as an image
  • Posted to a channel
  • Exported (as a compound result set JSON file)
  • Imported (via Tools | Import Compound Result Set)

Compound Result Set files contain the data necessary to recreate the original view - they are disconnected from live data and operate as data snapshots.

Compound Result Set Image

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