Client Configuration File
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Client Configuration File

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Article summary

An optional Client Configuration File can be used to control the following at the DataJet Server level:

  • ScriptHub location
  • Path Substitutions

Note:  DataJet Server must be restarted for changed to djclient.cnfg to take effect.

ScriptHub location

A ScriptHub allows sharing of scripts across multiple DataJet servers and realms.   To turn on a script server, add the following to the djclient.cnfg for each server that will be connected to the hub:


  "scriptStorageHub": {
    "method": "FILE",
    "path": "/home/engine/scriptServer"

Make sure that all DJServers have permission to read and write from the scriptserver location.

Path Substitutions

Path substitutions can be configured using the pathSubs key.  PathSubs are used by InjectPackage when reading data paths from a package metadata file, or from "homePath"

 If pathSubs is present in the configuration file then when reading PackageDataPath from the PackageXMetadata.json file, all instances of "from" will be replaced with the value of "to".

For example:

"/home/engine/dj-localhost/repos/Project1"  -> "/mnt/shared/dj-localhost/repos/Project1"

"pathSubs": [
"from": "/home/engine/"

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