- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Atomic Fields
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Atomic fields are the sub-set of fields that have been created by loading from file. These fields will show up in the following ways:
- As "Imported" in the Data Audit report
- As "Atomic=true" in the Context Panel property panel
- As "Imported" in the Template Dialog
- As "Atomic=true" in the Properties dialog
Viewing Atomic Field Status
Data Audit - Method
The Data Audit report lists the method used to create a field. Atomic fields are those with method of "Imported"
Context Panel - Property
The property tab in the context panel indicates the Atomic field status of the field that is selected in the Database Tree
Context Panel Property Screen
Template Dialog
The Template dialog (accessed by Project Explorer | Templates | Right-click | Create Template) filters fields according to their source type: Engineering/Imported
Properties Dialog
The properties dialog (accessed by right-clicking a field in the Database Tree and selecting "Properties" displays the Atomic status of the field. Imported fields will show {} as source JSON
Billing Report
Details of atomic fields are output when data is exported using the ExportCampaignDataSet method. An output report is generated that lists the following:
- atomicExportFields[] - lists the atomic fields used in the generation of the fields in the export file. Engineered fields will not be listed, but the atomic fields from which they were derived will be included.
- atomicDatasetFields[] - lists the atomic fields used in the query that selected the rows to be included in an export. Engineered fields will not be listed, but the atomic fields from which they were derived will be listed.
- atomicFieldDetail[] - list the non-null count of atomic fields as listed in atomicExportFields[]
Changing Atomic Field Status
In some cases it is necessary to treat engineered fields as if they were atomic fields. This can be done using the SetAtomicFields API:
"method": "SetAtomicFields",
"template": "sales_imported_to_atomic",
"project": "SDJ-DJDemo2023",
"description": "Set atomic fields using a template"
"method": "SetAtomicFields",
"table": "sales",
"project": "SDJ-DJDemo2023",
"description": "Set atomic fields for a whole table"
"method": "SetAtomicFields",
"fields": [
"customer.first order",
"description": "Set atomic fields using a field list",
"project": "SDJ-DJDemo2023"
"table,template,fields are exclusive keys"