DataJet Server Minimum Specifications
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DataJet Server Minimum Specifications

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Article summary

Minimal specifications for running DataJet Server:

  • RAM: 32GB RAM
  • vCPU Cores: 

Disk requirements

  • Type: SSD (Preferably NVMe for performance)
  • Size: 500GB (depending on data size)
    • Server Disk Data is approximately 50% or less the size of raw data
    • Raw Data Sources require additional disk if they reside on same server

Operating System

  • Linux (Debian preferred, or the standard Linux OS provided by the major cloud providers, eg. Amazon, Google, Microsoft)
  • Windows 10 or higher

Other Access Requirements

  • Because DataJet will perform the installation of the engine, Root logon will be required to the server via TTY / SSH (Passwords and key files required)
  • For user access,  port 5555 needs to be opened. For some cloud providers (e.g., AWS) this needs to be opened via the server management console  

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