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Article summary

Starts the script error log

When executing server side the log will be written to the output directory as "filename" and mailed everyone in the "mailTo" list.  Use "serverPath" to specify an alternative log file location. 

serverPATH must start with a system variable.   If sub paths are included, it must end with a slash:

  "method": "StartErrorLog",
  "filename": "DemoLog.txt",
  "serverPath": "%DATAPATH%Folder/Folder2/",
  "mailTo": [],
  "project": "Demonstration"
  "method": "StartErrorLog",
  "filename": "DemoLog.txt",
  "serverPath": "%DATAPATH%Folder/Folder2/",
  "mailTo": [],
  "project": "Demonstration"

Add the following to generate a workbook containing variables, Info and Errors entries.

Set append to true if this log in being added to an existing workbook.

  "workbook": {
    "filename": "log.xlsx",
    "append": false,
    "variables": "Variables",
    "info": "Info",
    "errors": "Errors"

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