QQ - Why isn't my Standardized Report applying all filters to configured slots?
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QQ - Why isn't my Standardized Report applying all filters to configured slots?

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Article summary

When adding filters to a standardized report, there are various configuration or design decisions that could lead to application of filters that are different than expected.   If filters are not being applied in the way that is expected, check the following:

  1. Filter Configuration. Is the filter connected to the slot?   To check this: 
    1. Put the Standardized report (SR) into design mode (See QQ - How do I edit a Standardized Report?)
    2. Right-click the slot and choose "configure"
    3. Confirm that the filter is connected to the slot in the required way. (see Filters for an example of setting up filters in a standardized report)
  2. Filter Dependencies.  Filters can be configured to be dependant on each other, which can result in dependant filters being cleared without the user noticing.   To check filter dependencies:
    1. Put the SR into design mode
    2. Right-click the filter and view the dependencies options
    3. (see Filters for an example of setting up filters in a standardized report)
  3. Filter Resolution Tables.  Results may not match expectations if there are multiple filters available on the report and the owner tables of the datasets applied via filters do not all come from the same table.   This issue could also apply if the owner table of the filter dataset is different to the reporting level of the data in the slot in question.      To check this:
    1. Add copies of the applied filter(s) to the dataset HotBar
    2. Open an editable copy of the SR
    3. Put the SR into design mode (right-click and select "Design Mode")
    4. Select the slot being investigated and choose open copy
    5. Add the datasets in the HotBar to the report copy
    6. Extract segments from the report copy into dataset Hotbar, right click and choose "open Copy"
    7. Verify that the logic matches what is required, and if not, change slot or filter configuration.

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