QQ - What is the difference between a DataSet and a DataView?
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QQ - What is the difference between a DataSet and a DataView?

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Article summary

Datasets and DataViews can be created via multiple mechanisms:

  • By dragging a data object from the Project Explorer to the Workspace
  • By selecting "Open Copy" on an item in the HotBar
  • By Right-Clicking in Project Explorer and choosing "DataView"  (DataView only)
  • Right-Clicking in Data Audit and choosing "DataView" (DataView only)
  • From Analytics | Dataset Scratch (Dataset only)

Datasets and DataViews both use the Dataset Scratch report, however their default views and default opening behaviours differ.

The primary difference between DataSet and DataView is when working with FIELD objects:

  • Dataset: Query Tree visible, Add DataSet Row dialog displayed, only URN displayed
  • DataView: Query Tree not visible, all records in table selected, data for selected field displayed


When opening a Dataset (either from the HotBar, or by dragging a field value into the workspace) the Query Tree is always displayed by default.


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