QQ - How many decimal points can I load into DataJet?
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QQ - How many decimal points can I load into DataJet?

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Article summary

By default, the precision of floating point numbers is set at 6 decimal places.    If necessary, it is possible to increase this to 10dp by modifying the server configuration file.

Configuration File

The server configuration file is called djserver.cnfg and can be found in the user's window folder.

Config file entry:

"doubleDigits": 10

If this entry is missing, then the value of 6 will be applied.


Generally 6 decimal points is more than enough, especially for Geo-Data, where 6 decimal points represents an accuracy of approximately 4 inches - going beyond 6 decimal places goes beyond the accuracy of current GPS satellites, and so no useful data is lost by accepting the default precision.

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