QQ - How do I use the integrated model processor on very large tables?
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QQ - How do I use the integrated model processor on very large tables?

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Article summary

The Integrated Model Processor (for both R and Python) takes as input a Profile Result Grid.   Profiles can be calculated on dimensions of up to 1 million discrete rows (although it is recommended to keep the number lower than this - ideally no more than 100,000 discrete values).

Discrete indexes are not built for fields with more than X discrete values - on large tables this may mean that a field that needs to be used as a profile dimension is stored as a continuous field and so cannot be added to the Multi-Function Profile report.   A field is discrete if it has a number after it in the Database Tree:

An attempt to add a continuous field as a dimension will generate the following message:

"Continuous fields cannot be profiled."

There are several ways of working around this to prepare data for processing in R or Python.

  1.  Export Table Data to file and load the file into native R/Python environment as required (Note: this is not using the integrated model processing, but may be the desired approach)
  2.  Create a sample of the large table and work with the smaller sample table
  3.  Create a discrete dimension field on the original table

Export Table Data to file

Preparing and then exporting data tables in DataJet is quick and easy to do, regardless of data-size, so this may be the most efficient way of working with existing R or Python models.   To export data do the following:

  1. Open the table in data-view:
    1. Database Tree | Table Object | Right-Click | DataView.    
    2. Drag table object into DataSet Hotbar, then Right-Click | Open Copy
    3. Drag the table object into the workspace and open as a new tab
  2. Drag the table or individual fields onto the table grid to add columns to the template.   To edit the template, right-click on the table grid and choose Edit Template
  3. Filter data by dropping DataSets onto the grid.   Common actions are:
    1. Remove nulls from a column
    2. Remove outliers (i.e., negative field values, values above or below a certain limit)
    3. Remove fields of a specific value
    4. Apply a random sample
  4. When the data is ready, select the Export Data option from the Data View micro-toolbar.   This will create a delimited file.    Depending on the number of records it may also be possible to export to a spreadsheet.

Once the data has been exported, it can be imported into a python or R environment as necessary

Create a sample table

Creating a sample table from a larger table is easy to do. First prepare the data using one of the following methods:

  1. Open the table in data-view:
    1. Database Tree | Table Object | Right-Click | DataView.    
    2. Drag table object into DataSet Hotbar, then Right-Click | Open Copy
    3. Drag the table object into the workspace and open as a new tab
  2. Drag the table or individual fields onto the table grid to add columns to the template.   To edit the template, right-click on the table grid and choose Edit Template
  3. Filter data until it has less than a million rows (100,000 is a good number for a sample table) by dropping DataSets onto the grid or using the right-click menu.   Common actions are:
    1. Remove nulls from a column
    2. Remove outliers (i.e., negative field values, values above or below a certain limit)
    3. Remove fields of a specific value
    4. Apply a random sample
  4. When the data is ready, select the Export To Table option from the Data View micro-toolbar.   This will create a new table that can then be used by the integrated model processor.

Create a Discrete Dimension Field

These steps allow a profile results grid to be created for a continuous record ID on a very large table:

  1. Create a dataset that samples the data
  2. Create a discrete index field
    1. If there is no unique record ID field on the table, create one using Engineering | IntegerSequenceKey
    2. Engineering | String | CTOD to create a filtered copy of the record ID field:
      1.  A = unique record ID field
      2. Filter = sample dataset
      3. Name = SampleRecordID
  3. Prepare Source Data - a profile results grid
    1. open Multi-Function profile report
    2. Add new field as dimension
    3. Add modelling data as measures
    4. Calculate to obtain raw result grid
    5. Modify as necessary to prepare data for the model. Common actions are:
      1. Remove nulls from a column
      2. Remove outliers (i.e., negative field values, values above or below a certain limit)
      3. Remove fields of a specific value
      4. Apply a random sample
  4. Run model
    1. Select integrated model in the Model drop down of the Multi-Function profile report
    2. Set up model parameters
    3. Calculate report

To work in the model processor directly:

  1.  Open Model Processor (Engineering | Programmed Field | Model Processor | R or Python
  2. Select the desired model from either the user or system library and choose <- Use to move it processing panel
  3. Drag the tab or report containing the prepared raw data and drop it into the Model Processor Source Panel
  4. Set up parameters
  5. Test Model output
  6. Make changes to model as necessary
  7. Save changes to model by pushing to library

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