Make Key Table
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Make Key Table

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Article summary

A key table is a table that is generated from another table, and that has one record for every unique value in a source field on the original table.  The purpose of a key table is to allow more complex analysis to be performed around that field.   Key Tables are used when the analysis that needs to be performed exceeds what is possible through profiles - simple use cases can often be done using profiles or multi-function profiles, and there is some cross-over, so it is often a design issue whether to use key tables or not.

The key table function has some short cuts that implement common engineering - all of the functionality of the Make Key Table dialog can be replicated via other means.

To make a key table, use one of the following methods:

  • Select field in Database Tree, right-click | advanced | make key table
  • Engineering | Make Key Table
  • Script Editor | Methods | Data Model | CreateKeyTable

Make Key Table dialog

Source TableThe table that contains the source field
Key FieldThe field that contains the unique values that will serve as the record IDs in the new tableContinuous String fields are not supported as Key Fields
Target Table NameThe name of the new Key Table
Auto JoinIf selected, the Key Table will be automatically joined to the Source Table
Principal Date FieldIf provided, and Auto Engineering is selected, will be used to calculate common date aggregations
Principal Measure FieldIf provided, and Auto Engineering is selected, will be used to calculate common numerical aggregations
Auto EngineeringIf selected, common aggregations will be automatically calculated on the new key table.CountOf[Source Table]
FirstOf[Principal Date Field]
LastOf[Principal Date Field]
LifeTimeOf[Principal Date Field]
RecencyOf[Principal Date Field]
YearMonthOfFirstOf[Principal Date Field]
SumOf[Principal Measure Field]
YearMonthOfFirstOf[Principal Date Field]
YearOfFirstOf[Principal Date Field]
YearMonthOfLastOf[Principal Date Field]
YearOfLastOf[Principal Date Field] 

AutoBandOf[Principal Measure Field]

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