Mail (Postman)
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Mail (Postman)

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Article summary

The postman function allows email to be sent to a designated set of recipients.   (See Channel Management for details on how to post to other channels such as slack, google meet etc)

If the containing script creates DataJet reports (using the SaveReport method) then the option to attach those reports will be provided.

If the containing script generates external files then the option to attach those files will be provided.

Editing in the JSON Panel
Note that postman is unlike other JSON methods - it must be edited using the EDIT dialog and cannot be edited directly in the JSON editor.   This is by design.


Subject of Notification.  Title that will appear in the email subject line.


Message Body.  Content that will appear in the email message body.


A signature to apply to every email.   It will be appended to the end of the message body.


Recipient list.  Each email address must be separated by a semi-colon (;)

Attach Files

If any files are generated within the script (i.e., via ExportIntoWorkbook, Export or ExecuteReport  methods), these files will appear as a checklist in the postman dialog.

Selected files will be appended to the attached notification.

To (Registered Users)

A checklist of all users that have been configured in the management console/contact management section will be available for selection:

Attach Reports

If any reports are generated within the script (i.e., via SaveReport or AddToCollection - used to create a standardized report - methods), these files will appear as a checklist in the postman dialog.

Selected files will be appended to the attached notification.


Selecting OK will add the postman method to the current script.


The JSON for the postman call is as follows:

  "method": "Postman",
  "subject": "Script Complete",
  "body": "This is an automated message from DataJet.\r\nYour script has completed.",
  "signature": "{Add signature here}",
  "to": [
  "attach": [
  "reportLinks": [
    "Standardized Report1"
  "project": "RegressionDB"

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