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Article summary


Injects a read-only copy of a table from a source project into a target project.

method"InjectTable"Injects a read-only copy of a table from a source project into a target project.
sourceProject"SourceProjectName"Required.   Name of project that contains the table to inject.
sourceTable"SourceTableName"Required.  The source table to inject.
targetProject"TargetProjectName"Required.   Name of project to receive the injected table.
targetTable"TargetTableName"Required.   Name of table in the target project.
project"CurrentProjectName"Name of Current Project.


  • Injected tables support the same functionality as standard tables: joins, derived data, extracts etc
  • Additions to the underlying source table will not be reflected in the injected table.    To pick up changes to the source table, the injected table must be detached and re-injected.
  • Multiple copies of the same source table can be injected into the same target project as long as each table is given a new name.
  • If the target project is in use when a table is injected, the target project will need to be refreshed before the injected table appears.   Any action that triggers a refresh in the database tab will update the display - i.e., engineering, filtering, refreshing.
  • If the source table is deleted, any linked injected tables will also be deleted.
"method": "InjectTable", 
"description": "Inject Data From Demonstration into BikeData2", 
"sourceProject": "Demonstration", 
"sourceTable": "Sales", 
"targetProject": "BikeData2", 
"targetTable": "sales", 
"project": "BikeData2" 

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