- Overview
- Getting Started
- Training Series
- Quick Snippets
- Quick Questions
- Quick Questions
- QQ - Data Ingestion
- QQ - Engineering
- QQ - How do I change a discrete string to continuous?
- QQ - How do I sort a table?
- QQ - What is the difference between ICAST and WILDICAST?
- QQ - How do I flag records that contain numeric data for a specific field?
- QQ - How do I transform data loaded as string into a double?
- QQ - How do I create a join between a field that is continuous on one table and discrete on the other?
- QQ - How do I use the current date or time in expressions and calculations?
- QQ - How do I get the name of the nearest city from a table of Geo Data?
- QQ - How do I use Conditional and IF statements in DataJet?
- QQ - How do I get detailed statistics for continuous data fields?
- QQ - How do I dynamically create a banded field in script?
- QQ - How do I round up a decimal number to 1 decimal place?
- QQ - How do I rename a table?
- QQ - How do I cast between different data types?
- QQ - General
- QQ - How do I find a package file to download?
- QQ - Why is the record count in the tree one less than the count in the hotbar?
- QQ - Why is the last record missing from my table?
- QQ - What is the difference between a DataSet and a DataView?
- QQ - How do I view NULL counts for continuous fields?
- QQ - How do I select the "best" record according to some numeric score?
- QQ - How do I download large source files from the DataJet Server?
- QQ - How do I find out the cardinality of a continuous field?
- QQ - Modelling
- QQ - Reporting
- QQ - Why isn't my Standardized Report applying all filters to configured slots?
- QQ - Why are my crosstab columns in the wrong order?
- QQ - How do I add a Standardized Report to my script?
- QQ - Can I automatically display a specified report when a project loads?
- QQ - How do I add a report created using Discrete Statistics to script?
- QQ - How do I edit a Standardized Report?
- QQ - How do I create a scatter plot?
- QQ - Scripting
- Rapid Training Series
- Introduction To DataJet User Interface
- Creating a new project from a text file
- Introduction to DataSets and DataViews
- Combining single Profile reports into a Multi-Function Profile
- Creating a Simple Multi-Function Profile
- Basic Engineering Functions
- Creating connected reports from simple index profiles
- Database Updating
- DataSet Resolution Methods
- DataView and Templates
- Engineered Fields and First Discrete
- Loading multiple tables and data audit
- Multi-Function Profiles
- Creating Resolving Tables
- Using a MySQL data source
- Introduction to the DataSet HotBar
- Creating simple profiles and Tab navigation
- Using the DataJet Administrator
- Tutorials
- DJDemo2023 Demo Database Schema
- Create DJDemo2023 Project
- Basic Sales Dashboard
- Tutorial overview
- Step 1 - Prepare and Upload Data
- Step 2 - Create Project and Load Data
- Step 3 - Create Reporting Tables
- Step 4a - Prepare Data for Reporting - Decodes
- Step 4b - Prepare Data for Reporting - Create Reporting Dimensions & Metrics
- Step 4c - Create Customer Segmentation
- Step 5 - Create Dashboard
- Step 6a - Create Reports - Profiles & Multi-Function Profiles
- Step 6b - Create Reports - Panel Forms
- Step 6c - Create Reports - Profiles Continued
- Step 7 - Create and Publish Standardized Report
- Deep Dive
- How To
- DataJet Desktop
- Desktop Overview
- Project
- Analytics
- Introduction to Analytics
- Analytics - Functional Overview
- Combined Profile
- Analyze Field
- Connected Report
- Dashboards
- Data Audit
- DataSet Scratch
- Index Profile
- Multi-Field Profile
- Multi Function Profile
- Multi-Field Statistics
- Query Matrix
- Profile
- Statistics
- Venn
- Reporting
- Engineering
- Introduction to Engineering Data
- Aggregate
- Banded Fields - Custom
- Copy Down (P-F)
- Copy Up (F->P)
- Fields from Values
- Decode Field - Custom
- Decode Fields - Wild
- Expression Builder
- Functions
- Function Overview
- General
- CombinedDimension
- CombinedDimensionNS
- CombinedIndex
- CompositeLongKey
- CopyDiscrete
- CopyDiscreteIndex
- DescendingIndex
- DiscreteIntegerSequence
- DistinctByKey
- FirstDiscrete
- FirstDiscreteByIndex
- FirstDiscreteByInvertedIndex
- IntegerSequenceKey
- JoinLayers
- LongSequenceKey
- MakeContinuousKey
- Quantile
- SessionIdentifier
- DateTime Transforms
- Date Transforms
- Date Transform Overview
- AGE(A)
- AGE(A,B)
- DAY(A)
- DOY(A)
- MAX(A,B)
- MIN(A,B)
- WOY(A)
- DMath
- FLogic
- Geo
- LMath
- Statistics
- String
- Import List
- Joins
- Make Key Table
- Model Processor
- Extensions
- Function Field
- Rank New
- Waterfall
- User Defined Fields
- Tools
- Script
- Introduction to Scripting
- Script Editor
- Script Editor - Overview
- Script Hub - Overview
- File
- Methods
- Administration
- Audit
- Config
- Control
- Connections
- Data Model
- AddJoin
- AddJoinLayer
- CopySourceTable
- CreateKeyTable
- CreateTableFromFile
- CreateTableFromWorkbook
- CreateTableFromWorkbooks
- DeleteField
- DeleteTable
- DeleteTemplate
- DetachAllTables
- DetachTable
- InjectTable
- InjectTables
- LoadTableFromFile
- MapFieldNames
- MapFieldNamesFromTable
- MapMissingFields
- MapMissingFieldsFromTable
- MoveFields
- RenameTable
- RequiredFields
- RequiredFieldsFromTable
- SetHiddenTables
- Engineering
- Export
- General
- Logging
- Tools
- Internal Only
- Project
- Tools
- Importing
- Examples
- Misc
- Admin
- Misc
- Intrinsic Functions
- Settings
- Trouble-shooting
- Indications of Disk Space issues
- Error [Join does not verify] when joining injected tables
- DataJet Explorer stuck on "opening project" message
- Performance and shutdown issues on Windows 11 22H2
- Error [load: not allowed] when loading data from file
- Modelling menu does not contain Helper menu and sub-menu
- Template Resolution Failed
- Plugins
- Engineering Functions
- Field and Table Names
- Post Functions
- Regex
- System Variables
- in Development
- Inline Help
- Download
- DataJet Server
- Campaign Selection System
- Audience Solution and DataHub
- AnalyseSegments Updated
- AudienceDelete
- AudienceLS
- AudiencePush
- AudienceRename
- BulkExportAudiences
- CreateAudiencesFromWorkbook
- CreateSegmentModel New
- CountCampaignDataset
- CreateCampaignDataSet
- ExportAudience
- ExportAudienceDefinitions
- ExportAudienceRules
- GetCampaignHistory
- ImportAudienceDefinitions
- NotificationsLS
- ProcessSegments
- SetAudienceState
- Release Notes
- Release Note: Patch New
- Release Note: DataJet v7.2.17.1 Updated
- Release Note: PATCH
- Release Note: PATCH
- Release Note: DataJet v6.7.26 - 29/07/2024
- Release Note: DataJet v6.7.1 (1/July/2024)
- Release Note: DataJet v6.5.23 - 23/05/2024
- Release Note: Q1 Patch 1: v6.03.28
- Release Note: v6.02.20
- Breaking Changes
- Release Note: DataJet v5.11.27 - 27/11/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.10.19 20/10/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.9.22
- Release Note: DataJet v5.8.16
- Release Note: DataJet v5.7.18.1 20/07/2023
- Release Note: DataJet v5.6.30
- Release Note: DataJet v5.5.13.1 - 13/05/2023
- Quick Vids
- Coming Soon
- 2 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
- 2 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Injects a shared data package that has been created using CreatePackage.
Key | Value(s) | Description |
method | "InjectPackage" | Inject a shared data package into a consumer project. |
project | "CurrentProjectName" | Name of active project. |
path | "PackagePathAndFile" | Path and filename of *.zip file containing package information.
homePath | "TableDataPath" | Path to shared data. Only required if using "path", otherwise, read from package meta file. Note: These are loaded DataJet files (such as *.dat, *.uvl) If empty, datapath location will be read from package metadata json file. Example "%REPOS%SOURCE_01" |
targetProject | "TargetProjectName" | Name of project into which the data will be injected (i.e., consumer project). The project must already exist. |
includeProjectMetaData | "true" | Optional. Default = true |
sourceName | "SourceIdentifier" | If provided, then the context panel property "inj Source" will display the text sourceIdentifier as the source of the injected table:![]() If not provided, Inj Source will show as "~External~"
sortMode | 0 | Reserved for future use |
errorOnMissingDataFiles | true/false | Default = false. If true will raise an error if underlying data files are not found in the location specified by "homePath" |
name | "packagename" | The name used to store and retrieve the package from the storage hub.
pull | true/false | Optional. Default = false.
templates[] | [ "template1" "..." ] | Optional. Default = "*" List of field templates to inject. Use "*" to inject all |
tables[] | [ "table1" "..." ] | Optional. Default = "*" List of tables to inject. Use "*" to inject all |
reports[] | [ "report1" "..." ] | Optional. Default = "*" List of reports to inject. Use "*" to inject all |
stdReports[] | [ "stdReport1" "..." ] | Optional. Default = "*" List of standardized reports to inject. Use "*" to inject all |
renames[] | [ { "from": "sales", "to": "isales" } { "from": "...", "to": "..." } ] | From v6.02.09 Specifies aliases of injected table. |
Injected Packages are used to give multiple projects and/or servers/realms access to shared data. The Shared Data package can consist of tables, joins, reports and templates.
Shared data cannot be altered by the consumer project, but can be used to derive new data which then belongs to the consumer project.
See CreatePackage for details on creating a package.
See Introduction to Data Injection for an overview of the Shared Data process.
Right-click in the JSON panel to bring up the context menu and choose "Wizard":
The InjectPackage wizard will interrogate the Storage Hub for details of available packages. Selecting a package will populate the helper with details of the package contents.
Choosing "Apply" will add Selected options which will then be added to the method JSON.
Blank Method
"method": "InjectPackage",
"project": "",
"path": "",
"homePath": "",
"targetProject": "",
"includeProjectMetaData": false,
"sourceName": "",
"sortMode": 0,
"errorOnMissingDataFiles": false,
"name": "",
"pull": false,
"templates": [],
"tables": [],
"reports": [],
"stdreports": []
Helper Generated Method
"method": "InjectPackage",
"name": "AllDemo",
"includeProjectMetaData": true,
"errorOnMissingDataFiles": false,
"pull": true,
"project": "CONSUMER_Test1",
"tables": [
"Segmented segment_Consumer",
"Segmented segment_Corporate",
"Segmented segment_Home Office"
"templates": [
"Basic Sales",
"Basic Customer",
"Sales Dimensions",
"Large Sales Dimensions",
"Low Card Sales"
"reports": [
"12 Month Sales",
"Sales Dashboard",
"LR01 Report",
"Charts By Python",
"Sales Dimension Report",
"Highest Lux Index Profile",
"Crosstab of yearmonth",
"Multi Field Statistics",
"Large Dashboard"
"stdreports": [
"Styled Standardized Sales Report",
"Standardized Sales Report"
"method": "InjectPackage",
"project": "",
"homePath": "",
"includeProjectMetaData": true,
"errorOnMissingDataFiles": false,
"name": "Demo2023-11-09-16-18-17",
"pull": true,
"tables": [
"renames": [
"from": "sales",
"to": "isales"
"from": "customer",
"to": "icustomer"
Error Messages
Message | Possible causes |
no declared or recorded homePath | When using "path", "homePath", pointing to the repository containing the data files must also be included. |
'name' can only be declared when 'pull' ing package | When using "name", include "pull": true |
cannot inject table 'table_name', already exists injecting package failed | Trying to inject a table that already exists into the consumer project |