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Article summary

Carries out system housekeeping activities

method"HouseKeeping"Carries out system housekeeping activities
  • "PURGENOTIFICATIONS":  removes all notifications from server where notification is older than specified time limit - NOTE: notifications are only visible in the DataJet Web
  • "PURGESCRIPTHISTORY": removes all "Scripts | Local History" items from Mongo DB where script history item is older than specified time limit
  • "PURGEENGINEERINGHISTORY": removes all "Script Editor | File | Import Definitions" items from MongoDB where engineering date is older than specified time limit
  • "PURGEEXPORTHISTORY": removes all "Admin | Management Console | Export History" items from MongoDB where export date is older than specified time limit
  • "PURGEALL":  removes all of the above for specified time limit.
days"N"Optional.  Interval in days.  Default = 14

Housekeeping will permanently delete items from the server - there is no way to recover deleted history
  "method": "HouseKeeping",
  "days": "10",
  "project": "houseKeeping_project"

The following can be used to retrieve details of script history:

    "method": "GetSysInfo",
    "infoType": "Scripts"

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