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FLogic Overview
FLogic Functions Functions that create flag fields denoting inclusion (1) or exclusion (0) from a set of records Purpose Use FLOGIC functions to: Create boolean (True/False) fields, stored as 1 or 0 Evaluate Inclusion/Exclusion criteria ...
A eq B
FLogic: A=B Returns 1 if [A=B], 0 if [A<>B] and Null for all excluded records Purpose Use this function to: Identify matching records Flag records which meet specified criteria Flag records where the statement A=B is true Ret...
A eq B eq C
FLogic: A=B=C Creates a flag field with value 1 where inputs A,B and C are all equal, and value 0 where any of the inputs do not match Purpose Use this function to: Identify records where 3 fields have the same value Flag records where st...
A eq B eq C eq D
FLogic: A=B=C=D Creates a flag field with value 1 where inputs A,B,C and D are all equal, and value 0 where any of the inputs do not match Purpose Use this function to: Identify records where 4 fields have the same value Flag record...
A not eq B
FLogic: A!=B Creates a flag field with value 1 where input A is not equal to input B, and value 0 where the inputs do match Purpose Use this function to: Identify and flag non-matching records Calculate A<>B Calculate A != B C...