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Article summary

Exports to file for the fields defined in campaign root, each unique key-field value in the audience

method"ExportAudience"Exports to file for the fields defined in campaign root, each unique key-field value in the audience
overwritetrue/falseif true, overwrites file if it exists
name"Audience name"Optional.   Name of audience from which to build unique key list.
notifytrue/falseOptional.  If true, a notification will be generated.
ids[]Optional.  List of segment ids from which to build unique key list
debugtrue/falseOptional. If true, debug information will be returned.
filenameexport file nameName of output file.  No path required as this is configured in the project campaign definition file.
prefix"prefix string"String to prefix to audience key
suffix"suffix string"String to suffix to audience key

Either "ids" or "audience" should be specified

The following campaign variables can be used in the prefix and suffix strings:


These will be resolved to the Audience ID or Audience Name at the time of output.

  "method": "ExportCampaignDataSet",
  "overwrite": true,
  "ids": [
  "filename": "Diverse_Interests.dat",
  "description": "Diverse Interests",
  "project": "eyeota"

  "method": "ExportAudience",
  "project": "eyeota-audience",
  "overwrite": true,
  "name": "Over65 or retired Buick owners",
  "filename": "Over65_or_retired_Buick_owners.dat",
  "description": "",
  "prefix": "US|",
  "suffix": "|%AUDIENCEID%"

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