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Article summary

Appends all the workbooks in a folder into the same table.  (NOTE: Workbooks must have same format)

method"CreateTableFromWorkbooks"Appends all the workbooks in a folder into the same table.
worksheet"WorksheetName"Name of worksheet to load.
If provided, will load a specific worksheet name.
If missing, will load the first sheet.
table"TableName"Name of the table to create
headerRow1Row that contains the field names for the columns to create
startRow0First row of data to load.  If 0, starts in row after header row.
endRow0Last row of data to load. If 0, all data is loaded.
ignoreEmptyRowsfalseIf true, empty rows will not be loaded.
worksheetRowName""If provided, stores the name of the worksheet that the record was loaded from.
filenameColumn""If provided, stores the workbook name that the record was loaded from.
allStringTypesfalseIf true, all data will be loaded as string
leadingZeroAsStringTypefalseIf true, data with leading 0s (e.g., 0015242) will be loaded as string
path"PathToFolder"The Path to the folder containing the workbooks
trimTrailingSpacesfalseIf true, trailing spaces will be stripped as part of the load.

  "method": "CreateTableFromWorkbooks",
  "project": "",
  "worksheet": "",
  "table": "",
  "headerRow": 1,
  "startRow": 0,
  "endRow": 0,
  "ignoreEmptyRows": false,
  "worksheetRowName": "",
  "filenameColumn": "",
  "allStringTypes": false,
  "leadingZeroAsStringType": false,
  "minDiscreteSize": 0,
  "path": "",
  "order": "CREATED",
  "trimTrailingSpaces": false

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